The Crucible. Arthur Miller Act One Questions and Answers 1. What is the setting (time and place) of the play? Describe the town in which this play takes place. Who or what does Parris seemed most concerned with in the opening scene? Why is Ruth pretending to be sick? Suggested essay topics and study questions for Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Perfect for students who have to write The Crucible essays. Questions about Act 1 of The Crucible Learn with flashcards, games, and more for free. The Crucible: Answers to Packet Questions The Crucible: Act I 1. Parris questions Abigail about the girls dancing in the woods and about whether her name is The Crucible, Study and Comprehension Questions Act I 1. Why has Reverend Parris sent for a doctor as the play begins? his daughter, Betty, wont wake up The Crucible Discussion Questions. Give an example from The Crucible that demonstrates that certainty can be dangerous. In this lesson, we will have a look at some questions from Act 4 of Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible. ' These questions and their answers will help the The Crucible Act 1 DiscussionStudy Questions Name 1. Why was Abigail asked to leave the Proctors home? What are Abigails feelings for John A summary of Act II in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Crucible and what it means. A crucible is defined as a severe test. Write an essay discussing the significance of the title. What is the crucible within the play and how does it bring The Crucible Act IV study guide would not answer yes or no to his indictment crucibleactivsg Author: Walter Kozlowski ALIVE ALOUD: Radio Plays for the Classroom 2 THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller THE CRUCIBLE by Arthur Miller Director, Martin Jenkins Executive Producer, Susan Albert ACT 1 The Crucible 27 This quiz is over Act 1 of Arthur What is their motivation for suggesting this? Make sure you answer all parts of the question. Nov 14, 2017The Crucible Questions and Answers Discover the eNotes. com community of teachers, mentors and students just like you that can answer any question you might. Best The crucible Quizzes Take or Create The crucible Quizzes Trivia. Test yourself with the crucible quizzes, trivia, questions and answers. Start studying The CrucibleQuiz QuestionsAnswers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying The CrucibleQuiz QuestionsAnswers Crucible act 2 questions and answers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The Crucible Questions and Answers The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, The Crucible Act 1. Video embeddedThis lesson provides questions for Act 1 of Arthur Miller's play 'The Crucible. ' The questions cover all levels of thinking, from simple recall