Popular Alternatives to ClearOS for Linux pfSense is a free, open source Zentyal is a native Microsoft Active Directory implementation on Linux. Get a featurewise comparison of Simplewall vs Untangle vs Clearos and see what firewall content filtering software is best for your needs. Sep 05, 2012Zentyal, Untangle or ClearOS? Discussion in ' I've seen where people suggest using two machines, one with pfsense and one with Untangle (or Zentyal). Compare Contrast Zentyal to ClearOS Resolved. Has anyone looked recently at ClearOS vs Zentyal PfSense (watch for version 2. ZentyalEbox v ClearOS v SME Server. Sophos XG or Sophos UTM Home Oh, and pfsense. Jun 03, 2013ZentyalEbox v ClearOS v SME Server After a short look at each (installing in VBox)I like the feel of Zentyal, which is based on Ubuntu Server 10. Get a featurewise comparison of Simplewall vs Clearos vs Pfsensepro and see what firewall content filtering software is best for your needs. pfSense is a free and open source firewall and router that also features unified threat management, load balancing, multi WAN, and more Been using ClearOS community for 3 years now with no issues. Seems lonely around here with everyone running pfsense Any love for ClearOS instead of pfsense. ClearOS I tried pfSense too but not as full featured as ClearOS. Tried Zentyal as well but had problems with the port forwarding. Apr 08, 2012Multi Wan load balancer (pfsense or ClearOS or what? ) Hi All, I have recently installed a pfsense. another alternative would be Untangled or Zentyal. maybe go back to looking at pfSense. You might want to try Untangle and Zentyal as well. A review of Zentyal vs Pfsense firewalls. Features, performance, install and comparison from an end user. The Hunt For the Ultimate Free Open Source Firewall Distro Zentyal commercial w free PFSense is my top choice in this category. pfSense or ClearOS or something else for a routerfirewall with traffic balancing and bandwidth limiting Installed pfSense, I have used ClearOS since it was. Hi folks, Into your posts I notice very often skills about product similar to NethServer: zentyal, clearos, pfsense, smeserver, and so on. Clear losing ground to pfsense zentyal, pfsense, are where the Pro's for it ends vs. Honestly pfsense reminded me more of a Linksys or DLink. 6 best free Linux firewalls of 2017. ClearOS is by far the sleekest The OPNsense project started out as a fork of the more established firewall pfSense in. Clearos vs zentyal vs untangle. pfsense vs clearos A lot of my friends uses pfsense but I discovered a new software called untangle and from what I'm seeing in. Apr 22, 2015Which one to select? Looking for following features on OpenSource platforms. WAN Failover Load Balance; nTop to Monitor Network and