The History of Today OnThisDay. com: Daily historical facts and events, famous birthdays, world history, music history and Quote of the Day. Today in history which major historical events happened on June 12? Who was born on this date, who died? In which year did the birth or death occur. June This Day in History featuring Events in modern History Punchy rhymes like Motors roaring Spirits soaring Voices chanting Doggies panting, could describe any number of jubilant summer parades; add in Clad in. Today in history every day often with pictures and sound. This day in June Parade starts soon Rainbow arches Joyful marches! In a wildly whimsical, validating, and exuberant reflection of the LGBT community, This. CHICAGO This Day in June written by Gayle E. , illustrated by Kristyna Litten and published by Magination Press, an imprint of the American. June 2 is the 153rd day of the year (154th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 212 days remaining until the end of the year. By night, I write childrens books and engage in other forms of subversive creativity. My debut picture book, This Day in June, won the 2015 ALA Stonewall Award. [Gayle E Pitman; Kristyna Litten A picture book illustrating a Pride parade. The endmatter serves as a primer on LGBT. Pitman, Kristyna Litten on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Winner, 2015 Notable Books for a Global Society Awards In. What happened on this day in history, June 1. See what historical events occurred, which famous people were born and who died on June 1. Oct 01, 2013This Day in June has 591 ratings and 204 reviews. Moira said: It's a picture book about Pride: something I hadn't realized we needed, but now know that w On This Day. Browse important June: 6: In 1944, the DDay invasion of Europe took place during World War II as Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy. Watch videoAlthough the term DDay is used routinely as military lingo for the day an operation or event will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the. Jun 05, 2016Day in June OUT NOW! LYRICS: I brought a piece of paper to write down what I see How the waves reflect the sunbeams and point them straight to me It's a. A large collection of informational and educational videos from animals and landmarks to language arts and history. June 11 is the 162nd day of the year (163rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 203 days remaining until the end of the year. Aug 26, 2014Video embeddedHere's the book trailer for my new children's book, This Day in June! Visit my website at for more information. LGBTQ Pride, for us queer folks even if we are ten, twenty, thirty years into it (and some of us are! ), even if we dread the heat or the crowds or the obnoxious