Thoughts on Jamie Holmes' new book: Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing Get this from a library! Nonsense: the power of not knowing. [Jamie Holmes An illuminating look at the surprising upside of ambiguityand how, properly. Apr 21, 2015Nonsense has 509 ratings and 111 reviews. Ran said: Based solely on the title, Nonsense is a tough book to get through in a conceptional manner. The Paperback of the Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing by Jamie Holmes at Barnes Noble. Buy Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing 1st Edition by Jamie Holmes (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible. An illuminating look at the surprising upside of ambiguityand how, properly harnessed, it can inspire learning, creativity, even empathy Life today feels more. The official website for Jamie Holmes, author of NONSENSE: THE POWER OF NOT KNOWING and Future Tense Fellow at New America. His writing has appeared in Sla Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing Kindle edition by Jamie Holmes. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The Benefits of Getting Comfortable With Uncertainty a Future Tense Fellow at New America, spoke to Noesner for his new book Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing. Buy Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing on Amazon. com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders Find product information, ratings and reviews for Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing (Paperback) (Jamie Holmes) online on Target. An illuminating look at the surprising upside of ambiguityand how, properly harnessed, it can inspire learning, creativity, even empathy Life today feels. Thinking of creating a website? Google Sites is a free and easy way to create and share webpages. Instant informational gratification isn't necessarily making us wiser, according to a new book by Jamie Holmes. 17 quotes from Nonsense: The Power of Not Knowing: The mind state caused by ambiguity is called uncertainty, and its an emotional amplifier. It makes a An illuminating look at the surprising upside of ambiguityand how, properly harnessed, it can inspire learning, creativity, even empathy. An illuminating look at the surprising upside of ambiguityand how, properly harnessed, it can inspire learning, creativity, even empathy Life today feels more. Ill hope to convince you of a simple claim: in an increasingly complex, unpredictable world, what matters most isnt IQ, willpower, or confidence in what we know. Feb 02, 2016I've long despised fivepoint listicles and other obvious clickbait. For instance, google 5 Steps to Writing a BestSelling Book and you won't exactly. Nonsense The Power of Not Knowing The Power of Not Knowing If youre hardwired to know and want to get more comfortable not knowing,