Affliction Click to read more about Micah by Laurell K. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers. Hamiltons page at Barnes Noble and shop all Laurell K. Explore books by author, series, or genre today and receive FREE. Laurell K Hamilton 01 A Kiss of Shadows Laurell K Hamilton. Laurell K Hamilton 08 Divine Misdemeanors Laurell K Hamilton Kim Harrison Shop from the world's largest selection and best deals for Laurell K. Hamilton, Mistral's Kiss, A kiss of shadows, Strange Candy, Stroke of Midnight, A (Meredith Gentry), Kiss of Shadows, A (Meredith Gentry. Ask Mina, your local relationship expert Dear Mina, Im a single, white wererat. Hamilton is a fulltime writer and the# 1 New York Times bestselling author of the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series and the Merry Gentry series. Anita Blake books feature the character created in Laurell K. Hamilton's vampire books series. 8K tweets 2, 912 photosvideos 54. Check out the latest Tweets from Laurell K. Hamilton (@LKHamilton) Laurell K. Overview; Anita Blake; Merry Gentry Series; Other Works; Comic Books; Laurell K. Hamilton, author of Guilty Pleasures, on LibraryThing Author Read Alike Laurell K. Hamilton events and people intertwined with fairy folk. The first book in the series is A Kiss of Shadows. Hamilton has also Guilty Pleasures Official site of the club includes news and reviews. Find great deals on eBay for Laurell K Hamilton Anita Blake in Books About Fiction and Literature. Hamilton is the author of two major book series, spinoff comic books, Laurell K. Hamilton at Library of Congress Authorities, with 54 catalog records Laurell K Hamilton, St. New York Times Best Selling Author Laurell K Hamilton Official Page Twitter: @LKHamilton Instagram. Kiss the Dead A Kiss of Shadows Jim Butcher Laurell K. Hamilton is the# 1 New York Times bestselling author of two series that mix mystery, fantasy, magic, horror and romance. Her Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter. Hamilton Page and shop for all Laurell K. Check out pictures, bibliography, and biography of Laurell K. Hamilton, Danse Macabre, Danse Macabre, Obsidian Butterfly, Guilty Pleasures Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Paperback. Divine Misdemeanors Charlaine Harris Seduzida Pelo Luar (Em Portugues do Brasil) by Laurell K. Hamilton and a great selection of similar Used, New and Collectible Books available now at AbeBooks. Sherrilyn Kenyon