Reharmonization is the musical equivalent of a new paint job on an old car. When you reharmonize a tune, you give the melody new color by changing its underlying. reharmonize synonyms, reharmonize pronunciation, reharmonize translation, English dictionary definition of reharmonize. Apr 27, February 24, Nate Chinen, Horns Add Heft for a Strutting Piano Vamp, in New York Times: There was more leisurely space for his playing in the. Used in moderation, playing hymn reharmonizations on selected hymn stanzas can enliven an assemblys singing. How To Reharmonize a Song Part One: Into What Other Chord Does This Note Fit. Video embedded1 of My Favorite Jazz Piano Chord And Reharmonization Tricks Revealed. Harmonizer definition, to bring into harmony, accord, or agreement: to harmonize one's views with the new situation. 1 review of Reharmonize Don is welcoming, ensures that guests are comfortable and peaceful before beginning the massage. It was my first experience with shiatsu. Definition of reharmonize in the AudioEnglish. Proper usage of the word reharmonize. Watch videoJoin Julian Velard for an indepth discussion in this video Reharmonize a melody: Change the bass, part of Songwriting Techniques with Chords In music, harmonization is the chordal accompaniment to a line or melody: Planing is often used by jazz arrangers to reharmonize melodic passing tones which. Learn here all about reharmonization and how to reharmonize chords in any song. Watch videoJoin Julian Velard for an indepth discussion in this video Reharmonize a melody: Minor key, part of Songwriting Techniques with Chords May 08, 2015Video embeddedHow To Reharmonize Any Song Click here now! Definition of reharmonize in the Definitions. Information and translations of reharmonize in the. If you want to sing alongside another singer or a group of musicians, you'll have to learn how to harmonize. Harmony is adding another note on top. Synonyms for reharmonize in Free Thesaurus. 1 synonym for reharmonize: reharmonise. What are synonyms for reharmonize. May 18, 2015This feature is not available right now. The Office of Student Success connects Berklee students with the resources available at the Sometimes the chords that you choose to reharmonize will not work. Harmonize definition, to bring into harmony, accord, or agreement: to harmonize one's views with the new situation.